Live in Balance With Vibrant Health and Peace of Mind in these 5 Stages.

Here at Performance Lifestyle Inc, we have a progressive path for increasing your energy, improving your lifestyle and the results you both experience and achieve in your life.

What we refer to as “The PL Path” represents the five core stages a person goes through to live in balance and become that high performing or high achieving person (there is a difference) most people strive to be but so few experience, only now, in a way that works for you, not against you. It’s subtly but powerfully different than the usual person who approaches their personal and professional life unconsciously thinking they need to burnout and trade their health, for success (for at least a period of time) as if it were some kind of “badge of honor.”

Don’t get me wrong, we’re not promoting some utopian style of living. If anything it’s ultimately more the way elite athletes approach their life when you get down to the core practicalities of it all, but it goes way beyond what even they’re aware of as they focus mostly on nutrition, training, and sleep (at least the great ones do.).

To put this into terms for those of us who are not into sports or even fitness enthusiasts at present, it’s our mission to help you learn how to live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind while achieving even your most ambitious goals.

That mastery is what Performance Lifestyle is all about and it our primary aim to help all our fellow community members, our customers, and clients realize this ability in their lives. It may seem like a tall order now, but I assure you it’s possible even if it takes you 2-3 years or even more to establish the balance and support that’s at the heart of this outcome.

I think you would agree that it would be a noble effort have that ability; and if it’s possible, which it is, that all the learning, practice, reflection, and so on that goes into making that outcome a reality will create quite an unusual mindset and amazing skills set. That’s what we deliver in Performance Lifestyle training.

But to arrive at that level of competency, one does not go from overstressed and overwhelmed, overstimulated and under recuperated, overeating under nourishing or even nourishing food, being super busy and physically inactive, fatigued, and potentially overweight with possible health complications (all do some degree) to becoming a balanced and healthy high performing person overnight.

You must build a solid foundation first, one that’s deep, just like that of a tall building. The higher you go, the deeper foundation.

So how do you build a strong foundation that will enable you to go high and far in life without becoming distracted and held back by energy, health and performance issues?

What follows are the 5 Stages of lifestyle transformation so you can live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind.

It starts with having a healthy, strong and resilient biology.

Stage 1: Mastering personal energy and biological aspects of stress and energy management.
This is Performance Living 101.

It starts with learning the science of living with optimal energy levels which are essential to building a healthy, resilient biology. You learn about and how to live within the boundaries of your biology, or slightly over to grow and develop with an understanding of what that requires of you and your schedule.

The PL Path begins with learning how to restore your energy, get out of personal energy debt, and align with your lifestyle around circadian rhythms. It then gets into distressing stress itself and learning how to periodize not only for a more manageable life but for regeneration at the cellular level to make sure you’re body is primed for growth and development. You then learn about optimal lifestyle nutrition and fitness strategies that emphasize the primary aims of understanding how to fuel and activate your body in ways that work for you not against you and how to do so in service of keeping yourself focused on what’s most important in your life.

Performance Living 101” (Coming Soon), is comprised of The 6 Core Life Skills that every other aspect of your life and style for “living,” depend on. At this stage, we also recommend you also learn The Energy Blueprint, by Performance Lifestyle Advisor, Ari Whitten.

On this foundation, you can move on to the next two stages:

Stage 2: Improving your health and wellbeing

Trying to improve your health and wellbeing without having energy can be somewhat useful as improved health and wellbeing will increase your energy as you are dealing with less unnecessary stress from food to financial issues. This is where the PL Essentials kick in, but in most cases, you must first make fundamental lifestyle changes to increase your energy so that you can make the health and wellbeing improvements which take more time to manifest.

Immediate health and well-being effects occur when you first improve and eventually optimize those core performance aspects of living that increase energy and give you the power and momentum to deal with your present situation and circumstances from a position of strength.Hence the reason that health and wellbeing are stage two.

Once you’ve got the direct path to increase your energy levels, that momentum, put you on this next stage of the path where you take your first full pass at learning and The 12 Lifestyle Habits You Need To Know To Live Your Life Like A Pro.

This is an acclimation stage where you begin greasing the groove and get grounded in experience by making macro changes in your life that you will later maintain in your performance lifestyle. The key thing to learn here is that you want a stable level of well-being at this stage of which living with optimal energy levels and health are a big component of.

This gives you the capacity to optimize your lifestyle for the performance and productivity levels you’ll need to sustgain to improve all areas of your life.

Stage 3: Optimizing your lifestyle for whole-life performance

Now the idea of living “performance lifestyle, ” begins to take its full shape. You’ve got the foundation of what maintains your energy and experience in what will sustain your health, and are not ready to take your skill levels to a whole new level.

Once you are proactive in stage one and two entirely, to the degree you can (note, you will routinely be taking these steps to strengthen and maintain your foundation, your health, and wellbeing) you are now ready to sustain any concerted efforts in your life and style for living it. It’s now when everything can come together and for the right reasons, and you now develop an approach to living, with a lifestyle you can call your own that’s on par or even better than an elite athlete, even if you’re still not into sports or a fitness enthusiast!

With competency in performance living, and knowing how to live balanced and healthy successfully, you’ll now learn how to take the right steps at the right time, at the right intensity level with the right consistency for you and build a lifestyle routine that can serve you all year round.

The above three stages can take some time, how long is unknown exactly. It all depends on your previous usual lifestyle and the consequences that are in play. But assuming you are not suffering from any major injuries or chronic disease states; you can be at this level within 24-36 months if you want to ascend through all 3 Levels of Performance Lifestyle Training and Transformation.

Stage 4: Achieving an ambitious goal

This stage is most fun part of developing a performance lifestyle because now you’ll regularly see each aspect of your lifestyle in the proper context that you learned in stage three.Your why will be so strong, you won’t have to effort any aspect of your lifestyle because you’ll them all aspects of the way you live as essential to achieving your goals.

Now, you will become consciously and unconsciously competent in all aspects of lifestyle; you know what to do, why you’re doing it and how, so you do it. But now you’re doing so for the expressed purpose of achieving your goals. You’ve got the skills for extraordinary levels of performance for defined periods of time to reach these goals in your life, career, business or sport, with effectiveness. Performance becomes a way of life, not an addiction and you are therefore skilled to live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind while achieving even your most ambitious goals, and even better, you approach life this way so can reach your ambitious aims.

Performance becomes a way of life, not an addiction and you are therefore skilled to live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind while achieving even your most ambitious goals across the key domains in your life, career or business, maybe even a sport with attention to family, finances and social life too. What’s even better, you approach life this way so can reach your ambitious aims no longer distracted and held back by hidden lifestyle challenges and the weight of the past.

Stage 5. Becoming a Certified Performance Lifestyle CoachCPLC.

At this stage, you learn how to pay it all forward and serve others as a Performance Lifestyle® Coach. You are near expert at managing your energy, maintaining health and you understand that well-being is not wellness and includes other domains of your life, like finance, social, community, and career, which you consistently progress at for improvement. All of which are the essential foundation for personal and professional performance.

You now see performance as a lifestyle, and you aim to share your insights with others as they progress through at least 4 of these stages.

There are a few prerequisites, namely that you have a trainer and or coaching certification from a recognized and accredited organization, and that you’ve been through all four preceding stages in the process of improving your own life and style for living it. Nothing is more important to boosting your confidence and effectiveness with other than being grounded in experience.

You’ll be trained PL365 for a full year because the lifestyle is 365, not 12 weeks. It’s, therefore, relevant that you learn how to live PL, 365 days a year. By the end of your training, (which really never ends as we’re all in perpetual training) you’ll know how to help your client understand their present situation and circumstances at expert levels because you’ll know longer be a one, two or three trick pony (nutrition, fitness, and sleep).

You’ll understand lifestyle comprehensively, know what to change when to change it, why and how and this is essential to helping people change, which will always be more important than information alone.

You’ll also discover that there are two returns on the investment of time, energy and money that it takes to optimize your lifestyle and they are:

  1. The increase you experience spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.
  2. The positive and lasting impact you have on others’ lives, knowing the territory with full competency in all aspects of lifestyle.

That is The PL Path. “The PL Way,” completes your pathway. It will take you through all the essential curriculum for accomplishing each, any or all of these objectives,

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