A Letter to Driven Business Professionals

There is a whole new lifestyle paradigm emerging today that will unleash your inner athlete. It does not matter if you’re not into sports or even a fitness enthusiast. Yet, it will take you to a whole new level of success in your business, and while we’re at it, your life as a whole.

It’s called Performance Lifestyle. It’s performance living at it’s best that supports you and what you’re up to in the world.

What is performance living?

It’s authentic, resilient and renewable living, where being tired all the time, fatigued and potentially burnt out becomes a thing of the past as you get free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that drain you, distract and hold most people back, particularly the most driven among us.

You learn how to live from who you really are (the very best part of yourself), get your relationship right with your head (not just getting your head right) and learn how to change your story(s); all so you can manage your personal energy and optimize your lifestyle like the pro’s do to achieve your goals at the levels you imagine, and with quality of life to boot.

If that sounds appealing to you, Performance Living is for you.

We are all driven and capable and whether you know it or not, we all wake up to be successful each day. That said, the performance lifestyle mindset and skills set resonates best with entrepreneurs, driven business professionals, and leaders of high growth organizations because the demands on their time and energy most closely map to that of an elite athlete.

If you are in business and it’s success depends in small or large part on you, Performance Living is for you.

It’s for those people who have ambitious goals such as raising a family, building a business or excelling in their career; who are challenged by the staying balanced in their work and life as a whole.

As the founder of Performance Lifestyle Inc, and a former athlete, gym owner and trainer turned worn down workaholic high tech entrepreneur, I acknowledge that this is challenge and it’s likely an age-old dilemma.

Today, with access to more information and opportunity than at any other time in history, with relentless demand on our time and energy, maintaining balance has become challenging, especially of you are not trained in performance living.

Without the mindset and skills set required to stay healthy and thrive in what is now a performance culture, the busier we get, the seemingly less time we have to take care of ourselves, our bodies and our lives at the level we need to. And predictably, as overwhelm, exhaustion and for some, chronic fatigue sets in, a vicious cycle of under recuperating, overeating and under nourishment, super busyness yet physical inactivity, the overweight condition and health complications are the result so many of us experience.

We’re facing our true condition and it’s not good.

Is the answer making goals out of aspects of our lifestyle like getting more sleep, eating healthier and exercising more?


It’s realizing that your lifestyle as a whole is how you achieve your goals in life, business or a sport or creative pursuit and that it needs to be optimized for the best results possible.

It’s is here that we borrow a page from athletics, the only subset of the population that directly links their lifestyle with their ability to sustain, perform and succeed that you can benefit from, and again, it doesn’t matter if you’re into sports or even a fitness enthusiast.

To anyone who is feeling the strain from our cultural performance addiction, you will discover the reasons why you were drawn towards this solution to begin with. It’s time to solve the problem you know exists but you can’t quite put your finger on.

Performance Lifestyle, is the antithesis of the performance addicted life. It’s for who you really are and it delivers the authentic answers you’ve been seeking.

If you want to get your energy back, live a healthy lifestyle successfully and achieve even your most ambitious goals with performance you can depend on, Performance Lifestyle is the answer.

To learn more, enjoy the podcast we just started and read The 3 Secrets to Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout where you’ll get introduced to overcoming “the curse” of the capable person.

Warm Regards,

John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM”.


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