Are you ready for Goldilocks Moment

Are You Ready for a Goldilocks Moment in the US Economy?

In an article in WSJ, where the CEO of America’s Largest Bank, Jaime Dimon, sees a Goldilocks Moment for the US Economy as a stimulus, infrastructure spending, and vaccines could fuel an economic boom in2023 he tells shareholders in his annual letter.

Are you ready? That’s the question that I am asking you.

We’re still coming out of the Covid 19 period where life is not yet back to full speed, but it will get back to full speed, and it’s happening fast.

I’m already experiencing the comeback of my son’s Lacrosse Season, the return of in-person conferences, people willing to meet in person, softball season starting, and SO much more.Goldilocks

As things open up again, it’s going to be an explosion as we are all excited in many ways to return to life in a new normal.

Now, to take advantage of a Goldilocks Moment, you need to ready to perform at your best.

A Goldilocks Moment in economy-speak is an economy that is not too hot or cold; in other words, it sustains moderate economic growth and has low inflation, which allows a market-friendly monetary policy.

In post-pandemic-speak, we are leveraging the same. Dynamics are such that we’re going to see an economy come roaring back as people in many ways (not all) want to come roaring back.

How do you prepare for a Goldilocks Moment?

You do so by ensuring you are free of any distractions that may hold you back from living at total capacity.

Full capacity refers to the potential output that could be produced. It’s another way of saying “at your full potential.”

If you want to make the most of a period in time like this, then it’s time to set yourself up for success so that you can function and perform at the highest levels here forth and nothing less than an upgrade and the optimization of the way you are living will make that possible.

That means addressing every one of what may be hidden lifestyle challenges. Not only will your energy, health, and performance improve, but the results you can create, especially during a time when economic conditions are favorable, can skyrocket.

The thing to note is that it’s not all about how you eat and exercise in a Performance Lifestyle.

Far from it!

It’s also about how you achieve your goals and make sure you have all the supports you need to succeed, including the clarity, intention, direction and strategy, finances, team support, etc., that will enable you to grow.

Most importantly, it’s about living your full potential, which is to say, from the absolute best part of yourself that sources everything else and so much more.

JAM (John Allen Mollenhauer) is a leading Lifestyle Coach and authority on living a High–Performance Lifestyle® with an online training academy and community that teaches people how to manage their energy like the pros. He helps you get free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold you back from living your full potential as you optimize the way you live for the energy, health, and high-performance you need to flourish. Performance Lifestyle Inc is in Florham Park, NJ, where he and his team run RegenUS Center. For a complimentary strategy session with JAM or a Member of the Lifestyle Coach team, click here.

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