The 5 Transformative Steps for 2023 and Beyond that Will Yield the Energy and Extraordinary Power You Need to Achieve Your Goals.
In this post, I want to share a plan comprised of five simplified steps you can take in 2023 and beyond that will yield the energy and extraordinary power you need to achieve your goals.

Managing Your Energy “Like a Pro” is the Greatest Life and Business Skill.
How I Discovered that Managing Your Energy and Doing So “Like a Pro” is the Greatest Life and Business Skill. By John Allen Mollenhauer, Lifestyle Coach JAM Read and watch the free webinar training below. When I was growing up,

The 5 Steps to Overcoming Midlife Burnout, Exhaustion and Fatigue
There are 5 Steps to Overcoming Midlife Burnout, Exhaustion, and Fatigue. Most entrepreneurs and business owners, people in high-level decision-making positions with the most significant demands on their energy and time, don’t know how to implement them, and that needs

Male Menopause and the Second Half of Life
The ‘Male Menopause and its impact on the Second Half of Life For those of you reading this article and, for the first time connecting with me, John Allen Mollenhauer, also known as Lifestyle Coach JAM, I work primarily with

Energized All Day, But Your Body Battery Is Burning Out.
It’s Back to School, Post Vacation Work Schedule, and the Daily To-Do List Has Grown Exponentially. It’s Begun Wearing You Down. What Do You Do to Recharge and Restore Your Body Battery? Press on and on, drink endless amounts of

HPL is the New Acronym for Excellence
The Healthy High Achiever and the HPL: The New Acronym for Excellence. By John Allen Mollenhauer, Lifestyle Coach JAM Excellence originates from having energy, health, and the capacity to perform well without having to burn out or trade one’s health