Live Your Full Potential to Achieve Your Full Potential

Live Your Full Potential to Achieve Your Full Potential

Learning how to live your full potential so that we can achieve our full potential

is one of the most significant insights I’ve ever learned.

I will also be sharing it tomorrow at the virtual annual meeting at the Morris County Chamber of Commerce (one of the top 25 largest county economies in the country ($60B) who selected me for a Leader in Business Award for 2020.

So below, I’m going to share the answers to the interview questions that I will be asked. Note: I’m not really a “solopreneur,” but my company is on the smaller side compared to these others at this time. 😉

Leaders in Business, John Allen Mollenhauer

  • Why are you passionate about your business?

Lifestyle Coach is the byproduct of what I needed to learn in the first half of my adult life as an impact-driven entrepreneur, business owner, and professional about what it means to “set yourself up” for success.

Like you, maybe, I faced a whole lot of hidden challenges that I thought were “personal” challenges, which I later discovered were mostly hidden “lifestyle” challenges that were distracting and holding me back from “achieving” my full potential. For a long time, I kept focusing on personal development, thinking increased smarts was the answer to the existential and energetic anxiety I was experiencing and the drive to overachieve at the cost of my health and wellbeing, but it wasn’t.

It was not until I started to understand human performance and that performance was a “lifestyle,” that lifestyle optimization was the deeper answer; encompassing, everything from spiritual intelligence, to mental and emotional intelligence and physical mastery all in service of what I/we are up to in the world.

So it’s helping people resolve the hidden lifestyle challenges in their life, and that inspires me today. It’s helping people, you, live your full potential.

  • What do you attribute to your leadership?

Honestly, the dire need to change, improve, and ultimately optimize the way I was thinking and living my life.

I didn’t initially plan to be doing what I’m doing today; I just listened to the call and gave rise to a new lifestyle that would help people steer clear of the current epidemics of fatigue and the 95% of chronic diseases that are all Lifestyle-induced because we’re coping with stress in ways that create more stress.

And that’s a big part of what’s distracts and holds people back.

  • An example of how your leadership has shaped your business?

I realized a while back that nobody wakes up to be balanced and healthy, not even the healthiest among us. Everyone wakes up to be successful. So I dedicated my life to developing the emerging and what is today, the fastest-growing idea in the wellness industry, and that is how to live a balanced and healthy high-performance lifestyle.

While it may seem like a tall order, at Lifestyle Coach, we’re helping entrepreneurs live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind; so that they can achieve their ambitious goals.

  • A lesson to share in how personal determination has made a difference in meeting business challenges – in keeping with our Annual Meeting Theme “The Sky is Not the Limit.”

We live in the world and look up, we see the sky, and to many of us (especially growing up), it looks like a ceiling. Still, as Astronaut Scott Kelly, who’s lived out of this world, would likely tell us, it’s not a ceiling, but rather a horizon; and if we see it as a ceiling, it’s a self-imposed limitation.

So he went out there; the lesson I want to share is in here, most of us go through life as “who” we think we are, in a physical body with a thinking brain, and that’s where all those limitations exist; in our thinking.

But what if we flipped the switch, and instead we went through life primarily as “what” we really are” and that changed how we think and who we are?

Which is to say, if we want to achieve our full potential in this life, we’ve got to live our potential first.

We could call that “the way,” but for now, let’s just call it spiritual “intelligence.”

Living with spiritual intelligence is the most potent and most crucial lifestyle change you can make and will ever make. Like water, it enables you to overcome any challenge.

Just know that when you “flip that switch,” be ready to get into a performance lifestyle you can call your own to support you and what you are up to in the world.

To Living Our Full Potential.


JAM is a leading Lifestyle Coach and authority on living a High – Performance Lifestyle® with an online training academy and community that teaches people how to manage their energy like the pros, and free of the hidden lifestyle distractions that distract and hold you back from living your full potential. He’ll help you optimize the way you live for the energy, health, and high-performance your need to flourish. Located in Florham Park, NJ, he and his team run an Accelerated Recovery and Performance, Lifestyle Center.

Get started on the path today!

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