Optimizing Your Lifestyle For Energy

Performance Lifestyle is the lifestyle approach to maximizing personal energy and work/life performance by understanding the science of optimal energy and creating an environment that promotes health and supports success.

First developed to support elite athletes in reaching their sporting goals by helping them get free of the distractions that were holding them back; John Allen Mollenhauer and a world class team of performance and lifestyle advisors have developed this lifestyle training system into a relevant, meaningful and actionable, simple-to-learn approach to living for those who may not be into sports or even health and fitness enthusiasts but need to hit their performance objectives day-after-day while staying out of the downward spiral that starts with low energy.


PerformanceLifestyle® is a 21st-century approach to optimizing your energy for performance and work performance with an eye on your health and well-being as essential to that performance.

Telecommunication technologies have enabled not only 24 x 7 job expectations from employers, but also created 24 x 7 demands for products and services worldwide breaking down all the natural boundaries around which we have lived by for millennia.

This situation is global, and what we have on our hands is the challenge of our generation: how to keep ourselves healthy while intelligently performing amidst relentless demand, while achieving our goals at our best level and pace.

We are now entering the Third Wave of work performance in the United States.

  • First Wave: Early 20th century: Farming and foresters and manufacturing industries were prominent. The emphasis in organizations was on designing work so that the physical body could endure and produce as much as possible.
  • Second Wave: Late 20th century: Professional, technical and service work is prominent. A shift from concern for work being designed for human physical needs shifted to the need to consider social and psychological needs around the 1950’s.
  • Third Wave: Beginning of the 21st: The global workforce is feeling the effects of work that is designed for the mind alone, but not the body which gets depleted.


We are just now beginning to understand the importance of designing our work around lifestyle’s that enable healthy minds and bodies; the benefits of which, are sustainable energy, dramatically improved health and fitness and higher levels of professional performance!

PerformanceLifestyle® helps you meet this challenge from the day you begin and supports you in your efforts to continuously improve the quality of your life and work throughout your life.

PerformanceLifestyle fits the rhythms of 21st-century living and working perfectly; it is a lifestyle that works for driven, goal and success-oriented people. Once you learn the Lifestyle mindset and the skill set you can better meet the challenges of every aspect of the performance demands you face in your life.


Performance Lifestyle’s Year-Round PL365™ Training and Support System provides you with the structures you need to be effective, and the flexibility you need to be efficient in achieving your personal and professional goals.

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