Performance Edge Experience

The world of business is evolving at an ever faster pace; it is up to entrepreneurs, business owners, and high-growth leaders to be selective about where they place their attention, and to make solid life/workstyle choices to stay strong and sustainable.

Events and conferences are always a great way to blend work and networking. But sometimes an event comes around that can dramatically improve your life and business for the better—forever.

Here are 7 reasons why the Performance Edge Experience™ can take your entrepreneurial journey to new heights.

  1. It’s not your typical entrepreneurial development workshop. A typical entrepreneurial development workshop talks only about how to start, run and grow a business. What these programs fail to teach an entrepreneur is how to do so without burning out!

    At the Performance Edge Experience, we take it up a notch by teaching the Optimal Performance State—the mindset and the skill set required for us to meet all the challenges we face while running and growing a business.

    We show you how to maintain an Optimal Performance State in your day-to-day life—consistently, not just every once in a while.

  2. Discover the “Performance Lifestyle” for entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship is the only profession besides professional athletics that requires such an intensive investment of time, energy, soul, and psychology to achieve your goals. That’s why in the Performance Edge Experience you’ll learn the inside performance secrets of elite athletes as applied to high-achieving business professionals like yourself.

    You’ll also learn the three most essential ways to unleash even more of your company’s potential—both individually and for your team—to actualize your business goals.

  1. Renew your personal power, purpose and focus. This one-day workshop initiates a crucial integration process between your lifestyle and your goals.

    In this workshop, you won’t find another continental breakfast of donuts and coffee along with a lecture on potentially potent ideas that fall flat because you just can’t implement them. You’ll directly experience the process of renewing your personal power and the elements that harness and direct your energy.

  2. Learn compelling frameworks that have been tested, used and recommended by seasoned entrepreneurs to successfully scale their ventures with quality of life in the process.

    General business planning tends to be static and status quo. Without the right models and frameworks, your efforts lead to “average” and burnout. What you’ll learn in the Performance Edge Experience will help you become extraordinary and turn “pro” in more ways than one.

  1. Establish ongoing performance support. Even the most seasoned business pros are challenged by today’s performance demands, both personally and professionally.

    Performance Entrepreneurship is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, because the emphasis is on (a) strengthening what’s working and (b) stabilizing, by filling in the gaps to get things working better—in both your own lifestyle and in the workings of your company. This takes specialized insights targeted to entrepreneurs, from experienced pros who have faced the same challenges and have bridged those gaps.

    At the Performance Edge Experience, you’ll learn about the future of performance support, with brief insights into the Performance Entrepreneur

  1. Get up close and personal with NJ industry influencers—and meet your peers in person. One of the best perks of attending a regional event is the chance to meet local industry influencers living on the leading edge. At the Performance Edge Experience you’ll have this opportunity.

    Listening to podcasts and blogs is great, but nothing really beats a face-to-face personal experience where you get to chat and practice with people you want to meet.

    Entrepreneurs are definitely a different breed; it’s always refreshing to meet people as passionate and driven are you are about creating the future. These connections can also help you with accountability or serve as a sounding board for new ideas.

    The power of being around like-minded entrepreneurs and learning transparently is a driving force behind resolving challenges, evolving with new skills, and achieving your goals.

7. Regenerate—and enjoy. You’ll have fun and renew yourself with a transformational yet restorative day that will prepare you for the journey ahead!

Learn more about the Performance Edge Experience at

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