Performance Lifestyle Advisor Ari Whitten

Performance Lifestyle Inc. would like to welcome Ari Whitten the#1 bestselling author of the cutting-edge book, Forever Fat Loss and the creator of ground-breaking Energy Blueprint system. He is a nutrition and lifestyle expert who has been running a nutrition counseling and personal training business for over a decade.

Ari has a Bachelor’s of Science from San Diego State University in Kinesiology with a specialization in fitness, nutrition, and health. He holds two advanced certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and recently completed coursework for his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, an education which rounds out all aspects–nutrition, fitness, and psychology–of his approach to optimal health.

Ari is an ardent researcher who has obsessively devoted the last two decades of his life to the pursuit of being on the cutting-edge of the science on health, fitness, and nutrition.

Ari’s work has two primary aims:

1. Maximizing overall vitality and energy levels.
2. To achieve permanent fat loss by working with your biology, rather than the painful and temporary fat loss one gets through programs that work against your biology.

We are excited to be working with Ari Whitten as his understanding of the science of human energy and living with optimal energy levels is among the best out there today, even among top scientists.

We are also happy to be promoting The Energy Blueprint that Ari Whitten spearheaded to consolidate the never-before-assembled body of science on energy, that Performance Lifestyler’s need.

This research is very consumable and supplements the Performance Living 101 work we offer our student clients here at Performance Lifestyle Inc. In our view it’s it’s mandatory learning for anyone looking to live with optimal energy levels, and or helping others in the fields of health and human performance.

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