


I feel I have all the potential and zeal in the world yet, yet things are not quite coming together for me yet. I want to live better, but I just don’t have the direction and a clear goal in my life!

I am not clear on what I’m up or how to get there…. I need a strategy.

This is the primary achiever type, because everyone starts out as a Potentialite and may revert to this mode of being and thinking at one time or another. Indeed, from the beginning, but you can also enter this stage if you are starting over, entering a new career, making significant changes, and the like. 

A Potentialite, in the beginning, has neither an established lifestyle nor clear goals they are living and working towards. 

Establish means to set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis. 

How does this apply to your lifestyle?

It may also mean you haven’t determined the lifestyle principles, practices, and strategies you’ll need to keep your life force energy strong, stay healthy and free of lifestyle-induced diseases, and perform at a high level. 

Too often, we just start out or start over in life and get caught up in a whatever, whenever, if ever lifestyle strategies as we strive to make a living, in a career or business, but before you know it, you’ve got so much going on you’re barely hanging on. 

This is the moment or reckoning, when you realize you don’t have the energy you used to, your health is falling apart, and you can’t do what you use to do. 

You don’t want to land in that position or ever again. 

Your lifestyle is primary about how you are achieving your goals. It’s what enables you to function and perform well during work and non-work, and sleep periods (yes that too) where you may be on a mission and focused on key objectives and goals to fulfill a vision that you have for your life. 

Potentialites have their work cut out, especially if they don’t have a blueprint to help them establish a healthy, high-performance lifestyle from the start. But either way, this is also an exciting time because you are not caught up yet with too many ingrained habits and constraints, which will eventually be very freeing. 

In the Potentialite stage, you get to choose them. 

This is the ultimate time to “set yourself up for success,” by its definition whether you are just starting out or starting over. 

You want to make the most of this time and use it for all it’s worth. If you are young, this is the time to align yourself with the lifestyle principles, practices, and strategies you’ll need to succeed and begin building a healthy, high-performance lifestyle from the start. 

If you are already engaged in life but are starting over, entering a new career, or making significant changes in your life for one reason or another. This is the time to consciously establish a new lifestyle and the new vision you want for your life. 

You’ll break that vision down into goals and your goals into objectives. And the foundational objectives are your lifestyle. 

It’s “how you” achieve your goals and build the support you’ll need for “how to” achieve them in your chosen industry. 

With careful planning, your approach and future get that much brighter as your life structure, lifestyle, and goals start out aligned. This will make you much more successful and have a lot less stressful life.  

Sure, there will be a period of new habit-building, but now, with the HPL Blueprint and The 3 Levels of Lifestyle Optimization©, you’ll resolve your hidden challenges and evolve with a new lifestyle mindset and skillset with simplicity and greater ease, and all of this will help you achieve your goals, especially in the striver stage.

Grinder Stage: That’s Next > 

Learn more about the HPL® Blueprint.

Picture of John Allen Mollenhauer

John Allen Mollenhauer

The HPL Podcast High Performance Lifestyle

Lifestyle Coach Jam

Lifestyle Coach JAM will help you live live your true potential by coaching you on how to change, improve, and optimize the way you live.

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