Results and Transformation Come About Best When You Achieve Them Together

Results and transformation come about best when a group of people comes together to learn and master something that is interesting and can only become a new normal when they achieve it together.

A great example of this, is a group I’m part of called the Mighty Men of Valor, a Christian Faith-based group of men, who study the Bible, pray together, train together (one day a week), in some cases work together, and look out for each other…

It’s a group that was brought together by a long time buddy of mine, Rob Belcuore, with whom I played football years ago. He runs a company called Cornerstone Financial in Morristown NJ. Many of the men in our expanding group work with Rob, many of us are friends of Cornerstone and the like; but one thing is true, we are all inspired to fulfill our God-inspired dreams, to be healthy in that process and have financial integrity in our lives.

What makes this group pure awesome sauce is that we are “all in,” training for life” in profound ways every week, together. We achieve our dreams together, and I must say, having this sense of community is second to nothing.

Results and Transformation come about when you bring a group of people together to achieve what one can’t do well alone.

I had an experience like this once before in my life, back when I was a bodybuilder and running a gym called Olympia Fitness Center. It was a community of men and women who were up to something. It was hardcore, only because everyone was “all in it together.” We learned, trained, shared insights, prepared for events, got together, and the like; again, it was awesome. To this day, I am still friends with those people, like Rob who was part of that time as well!

We’ve all moved on to new things, but we look back to that time as a Golden ERA in our lives and talk about it like it was yesterday.

“Golden Era’s” don’t come together easily, but they do come and you might go years without feeling that same zest and zeal you felt during a time period like this. But that highlights the reason why going it alone in life is just not the way to go. Great things in life happen when you achieve them together with others who are committed to similar results and transformation.

What’s it take?
A cornerstone–some primary cause, way of life, desire, or a passion that drives a group of people with an outlook on the future that inspires people to engage in a community that accomplishes and achievers something bigger than any one individual can.

And here we are.

Today, I’m part of a “bonfire”, and it going to continue to grow because it has a Cornerstone, and includes all that each of us is up to in the world. In this case, it’s not just Rob’s company, it’s a commitment to live from the absolute best part of ourselves, and with profound faith, in bodies with brains that we optimize in “performance lifestyle’s” that are balanced and healthy and enable us to realize our God-inspired dreams with financial integrity. That’s what bonds us.

Now, it’s important to notice that we are committed to living with faith, health, and financial integrity because you need all three for change that lasts.

It’s all essential.
Not one thing, but all of the essential practices that make those top three values a reality. And it’s with that insight and that experience, that I operate from. I am building on this bonfire and if you want to be part of it, even if you live around the world; you can.

Reflection: So if you are thinking and feeling like your life doesn’t have the zest and zeal it used to. You feel like your prime and time “Golden Era” has passed and that it’s all a physical and mental downward from here (a common experience), even if you love your life in varying capacities, think again. Or, maybe you’ve never experienced a golden period in your life but would love to be part of one. Then it’s time.

Getting into a community that has the values you stand for, you want to have in play, optimally, in your life, needs to become a priority. It’s the best behavioral change method in existence, and it leads to an amazing quality of life.

And once you find it, protect it, promote it, and fan the flames.

Do you want to change your lifestyle for the better?
Then get into a community where the change feels more like a pull than a push, and where you can’t help but change, improve and optimize the way you live because that’s what you do in a community that is committed to values-driven results and transformation in the world.

I’ll keep you posted on how you can tap into the bonfire.


About JAM.

John Allen Mollenhauer is known as John Allen or by his initials “JAM” is a leading lifestyle coach and entrepreneur, and an expert at helping other entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals achieve more through a healthy performance lifestyle—free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold most people back; such as, pain and fatigue, overeating under-nourishing food, super busyness but physical inactivity, and unsupportive thinking among several others. Ultimately, he’ll help you align the way you live with your most important goals in life.

JAM is the founder of Performance Lifestyle® Inc in Florham Park NJ. With his team, he leads an online training academy and community that starts with helping achievers learn how to manage their energy like the pros do; and then, optimize the way they live for the energy, health, and high performance they need to flourish.

Also, an expert in Performance Recovery—the restoration of physiological and psychological processes—thousands of people have been inspired by JAM to proactively recover their natural energy and apply lifestyle-based strategies to regain the zest and zeal they’re used to having and more to increase joy, productivity, and of course their quality of life.

He is married with 3 children, loves to learn, apply, improve and share, read the Bible, and watch movies!

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