Start Thinking Like an Athlete, It Will Transform Your Life In 4 Ways

Here’s an excerpt from The Rise of a New Lifestyle. It has to do with you waking up to the fact that “if you have a body, you are an athlete.”

That’s a quote from Bill Bowerman, founder of Nike.

You’re wearing the clothes, now just imagine if you had the lifestyle that goes with it!

In beholds the proactive seed, the spark, and the identity of those people who optimize the way they live for energy, health, and performance. When you starting thinking like an “enlightened” athlete, whether you are into sports or not at present or ever, you’ll be amazed what happens, especially when you know how.

This is the essential insight for driven business professionals, entrepreneurs, small business owners, executives, and managers, people like you who typically have families and potentially athletic or creative pursuits to boot, that will enable you to begin living balanced and healthy, performance lifestyles.

You see, we’re not just stepping up our game here as we hear so often, we’re leveling up our style of play so we can:

  • Get free of hidden lifestyle challenges like excess stress and energy deficits too and begin living with optimal energy levels,
  • Heal the painful disconnect between energy, health, and performance, and
  • Better achieve even our most ambitious goals with the endurance and quality of life we need and want in the process.

Personal and professional performance starts with learning how to live with optimal energy levels so that high-level health and sustained function is possible.

This energy-rich performance we’re pointing to is not the result of a new series of motivating thoughts, or simply something you swallow, eat or drink… or for that matter, just getting a little extra sleep here and there; as if, your lifestyle where something operating in parallel to how you achieve your goals. It’s not.

It’s the result of:

  1. Understanding Energy: the secret science of harnessing optimal energy so that you understand where “vitality” comes from and how to avoid prolonged periods of fatigue.Too many of us have gotten soft and fragile because we’ve been working against what our evolved biology requires for strength. When you learn this energy blueprint, you will finally begin to understand how you really need to operate as a human being if you want abundant energy.
  2. The Core Lifestyle Routines: everyone (97% or more) either doesn’t know or lives out of alignment with the cycles that give rise to life force (energy) leaving them with at least a low-grade fatigue that is distracting and holding them back.Fatigue is an example of a hidden lifestyle challenge and to get out of it, requires an understanding of what we call Performance Living 101, the secrets of living with optimal energy levels.
  3. Living Balanced and Healthy Successfully: These are no longer fluffy words the wellness world can throw around.Balanced, means you have a wide enough array of lifestyle skills to approach life by taking the right steps, at the right level, with the right level of intensity and consistently so that you reach your goals without burning out. Like links in a chain, every essential link is strong, and power is the result.Healthy means your lifestyle does not directly promote disease, like the way so many people do with the way they eat (for example) … every day. To live balanced and healthy successfully you’ve got to optimize your lifestyle and nutrition is only 8.3% of the lifestyle equation.
  4. Focusing on Performance: People wake up to be successful every day, not balanced and healthy. That’s the given, and we must be skillful at achieving our goals—what we are up to in our lives, with our families, in our career’s and businesses and potentially a challenge or sport, creative pursuit or cause—without trading our health and wellbeing for it.All of these layers of development will form your lifestyle and your lifestyle all about how you achieve your goals.

Subscribe to Get an Early, Abridged Version of Our Upcoming Book Called “The Rise of a New LifestyleWhy Thinking Like an Enlightened Athlete is Essential to Having the Energy, Health and Performance You Want For FREE And Receive An Introductory Email Training Series On How To Live With Optimal Energy Levels.

To learn how to live with optimal energy levels start with learning how to Regenerate Your Life Force.

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