Lifestyle Coach will help you LIVE A BETTER LIFE! Call us today.

“I just got back from the doctor. In the past year, I lowered my cholesterol by 30 points, increased my bone density by 8%, and lost a whole size. I increased my activity level to support my interests in outdoor activities, and I even straightened out some structural problems in my spine! I am stronger, more fit, and I don’t even feel like I’m doing much. Amazingly, I am really enjoying myself. What I am doing is totally sustainable and growing at a nice pace.”

“I used to keep myself very busy with multiple projects. I tried to “eat healthy,” but I wasn’t doing a great job. I fit in exercise when I could. The end result was more stress, worse health, and increased weight. Today, I’m a healthy high achiever and it’s all because I learned about the Performance Lifestyle system!”

“I am 54 years old and have been applying this approach for just over one year. In that time, I’ve lost 25 lbs of body fat, my blood glucose has gone from being my doctor’s primary concern to a topic we don’t discuss, and I have all the energy that I need for my active lifestyle. I don’t go to a gym and I don’t go hungry. But what is most important is that the approach was so easy to integrate into my life that I know I will stay on track. The weekly support I get from Performance Lifestyle really helps!”

“A Performance Lifestyle is a lifelong discipline that can build momentum, strength, and commitment. With a positive group of achievers who can be fun, accountable, and instructive, anyone can do it. There will always be new ideas, alternative methods, medicines, nutrition offers, and growing uses of technology that will have both positive and negative impacts on your health and lifestyle. with MyTrainer is the resource and team to keep me at the leading edge of performance capacity.”

“I knew I was exhausted and needed a break from my high achieving life, but I didn’t begin to acknowledge my true condition until hearing John Allen speak at the 2006 CoachVille Conference. The more I learn through the 7-Step Performance Lifestyle Plan, the more I’m able to manage the precious energy that’s needed for goal achievement. Moving forward, my dedication to putting my health first will allow me to increase productivity without jeopardizing my health or success, like I have so many times before. I can achieve my work goals without sacrificing my performance goals! I look forward to further study and mastery of the process with the many resources provides.”

“I was fortunate enough to meet John Allen over a year ago. As a single mom who works fulltime, travels for my job, cares for my child and my home, and still tries to maintain a consistent workout and eating schedule, I was stretching myself to the limit, and it was showing.
I have found that incorporating Performance Lifestyle principles into my daily living has paid off immensely and has given me a greater outlook and more energy to perform to my greater capacity. John Allen has given me a great gift that I will continue to pursue and refine with his input and oversight. John Allen can inspire just about anyone who is willing to listen, process and take some action and responsibility for their healthy living!!!”

“I no longer think about what I can’t or shouldn’t include in my diet, but rather that I can have as much nutrient-rich food as I like because it’s health promoting. The results are amazing! It’s amazing how much time I have to focus on my family and career goals now that diet and exercise issues are becoming enjoyable and effective parts of my lifestyle.”

“John Allen will show you the greatest lifestyle mindset and skillset strategy on earth as you create a performance lifestyle; the one thing. I highly encourage you take his teletraining series. You will not be disappointed.”

“I work with up to 200 entrepreneurs each year and John Allen is outstanding. He is passionate, professional, and committed to your success. Any client of John Allen’s will get results because he is a great coach!”

“I learn something from John Allen every time I talk with him that I can easily put it into practice, and my energy gets better each day in a performance lifestyle.”

“As the administrator of the State of Kansas health promotion program for 40,000 employees, I thoroughly enjoyed working with John Allen and his staff to provide a wonderful series of teleclinics for our employees. As an exercise physiologist and wellness professional, I was impressed with the solid science behind John’s content. I am looking forward to working with John and his team on future projects.”

“The Performance Lifestyle system has helped me transform my life. I’ve reduced my body fat by 8% and I’ve increased my energy dramatically in a short period of time, putting into practice the successful lifestyle strategies John Allen teaches. Thanks to John Allen, living healthy has become more fun and more convenient and really about my success!”

“I never thought of myself as an “achiever” but now I realize that I am. I have found that just spending time in John Allen’s space has taught me tremendously about the process of changing my lifestyle to promote MY health. Since I met him, I have totally changed the way I shop at the grocery store. I am so much more conscious of the things I plan on putting in my mouth. I have made a serious effort to make any form of exercise part of my routine (walking, riding a bike, dancing around the house, etc.), and I have come to realize that rest and recovery has to be a part of my everyday life.
I am 58, and am finding out for the first time that I can CHOOSE to live better; look, feel and perform better; exercise in my own way; and most importantly, give myself permission to rest when my body tells me I should. Life is good. ”

“John Allen has been a true inspiration. He has a keen ability to break down the complicated subject of health into simple terms that are easy to comprehend. Through his coaching and support, I’ve learned much about what healthy high performance living truly means and how critical the daily patterns we have affect our health.
The insights I’ve gained through the Performance lifestyle newsletter, his tele-seminars, and as a participant in the training intensive have been practical and invaluable to both my family and me. John is honest, trustworthy, and above all, passionate about helping others achieve a healthy, performance lifestyle!”

“My life has been focused on business for the past several years, and I had fallen out of shape. I’m back in shape and I credit John Allen and the Performance Lifestyle system for helping me!”

“I examined and upgraded my lifestyle. The performance lifestyle is realistic and practical for those of us who are up to achieving big dreams. I’m very happy!”

“Almost one year ago today, John Allen and I started working together. I was unhappy with several aspects of my life: a low energy level, bad eating habits, a boring dead-end job and a going nowhere relationship. John Allen accessed my lifestyle and came to the conclusion that the single most important thing that I could do to improve my life was to (drum roll please) SLEEP!
After several conversations with John, I was convinced to make a commitment to start adding sleep time. I started to feel much better almost immediately. No more falling asleep at my computer, less grouchy behavior and dreading getting up. I started getting out of bed to meet the day head on! Getting more sleep helped me find the energy to look for and land a new, exciting job and to end my going-nowhere relationship. My performance lifestyle is getting better and better!”

“John Allen Mollenhauer is one of the most knowledgeable health, fitness and personal performance trainers I know. The material he teaches is not based on the latest ‘fad’ or ‘quick-fix diet.’ John teaches solid principles that have stood the test of time, so they WORK! I believe he can help virtually anyone significantly improve their level of vitality, health and success. I’ve taught programs and seminars in the area of health to thousands of people over the last 10+ years and when I have a question, John is one of the first (and best) resources I turn to. Now I know it is about performance. If you want to look, feel and perform better, John Allen can help—he knows what he’s talking about!!”

“Eating a nutrient rich diet is the way to go; what I’ve learned to call ‘eating for success’! John Allen has helped me get beyond the myths about protein and more, and that’s only a small part of only one essential aspect of Performance Lifestyle training. I’m responding better than ever. I feel and look the best I ever have! There is no question about it, the focus has got to be on health and performance, not weight loss.”

“I was eating healthy and working out a lot, yet I couldn’t lose the last 15 pounds to reach my goal weight. In one session, John Allen spotted the problems in my eating habits and directed me to the true way to eat healthy without struggling. In a few weeks’ time, I am halfway to reaching my goal weight, and I know that I will be there in another few weeks. But that is only the start of what I’m up to. I’m getting into a performance lifestyle! Thanks JAM!”

“I had a pretty good lifestyle living in Hawaii and I had no idea the impact that John Allen would have on me would be so big. I was working all the time and was tired. In one week with John Allen and with the Performance LifeStyle system, I felt better and started enjoying the paradise around me.”

“As an entrepreneur in the financial markets I don’t have a whole lot of time, I’ve benefited a great deal from the strategies in the Performance Lifestyle guide.”

“It sounds silly, but I am learning so much from John Allen, and applying it. It is a first for me; I don’t usually follow anything or stick with it. I am very self-sufficient, so for me to reach out was a challenge, but John Allen makes it so easy. I have already improved my life so much. When I say I do things 50% differently, I truly mean that, and I think my friends and family would agree.
When John Allen talks about what I need to have in MY lifestyle, it makes so much sense; I ask myself why I didn’t do this before. The feeling I have is so great, and is all natural. He makes it so easy to want to look good, feel good and be healthy. When I am getting ready in the morning, I won’t settle for anything but looking great. John Allen is truly gifted at what he does.”

“I love Performance Lifestyle. As a matter of fact, I like the phone and internet support that compliments the weekly personal trainer I have. The education and the information I receive from Performance Lifestyle is exactly what I have been looking for over the past several years. It’s helped me understand the relationship of exercise, diet and rest. Knowing how all of them combine to form a fit and energized “performance” lifestyle is making a huge difference in my life.
At 53 years-old, nothing else was working to help me become fit, healthy and feeling good. I’ve read all the books over the years. But it wasn’t until I discovered Performance Lifestyle that someone put all the right information together in the right way so I could act in an informed and empowered way to rescue my body and my long-term health while still living a fully engaged life. Thank you so much for your dedication to this, John Allen. I tell all my aging baby boomer friends about you.”

“I have been in personal training for 10 years (weight lifting and exercising for 35 years) and have taken numerous courses in nutrition, but I have never heard anyone who has been able to cut right to the core of the major issues surrounding adherence and success in long term weight loss and healthy living. As John Allen says, it’s all about performance!
This way of thinking has resonated with me personally and professionally. The process surrounding this lifestyle empowers people to make good choices that work within their own framework of limitations, strengths and preferences.”

“Take his advice. You are crazy if you don’t get the Performance Lifestyle system! It is rich with information. It has helped me a lot.”
“If you want to invest in your body, in your health, in your longevity, in your sanity, in your joy, and in your career, the first place I’d send you is to It’s the foundation for every other improvement you could ever hope to make.”
“John Allen, about the workout DVD I received, I love the workouts, they are so simple and yet I feel my muscles working to keep my whole body in alignment. They are not easy exercises, just an easy exercise system to accomplish. I love the performance lifestyle!”
“John Allen, about the workout DVD I received, I love the workouts, they are so simple and yet I feel my muscles working to keep my whole body in alignment. They are not easy exercises, just an easy exercise system to accomplish. I love the performance lifestyle!”
“I can wait to take the 60 Day Fitness Challenge with the Monkey Bar Gym. I am building some basic fitness after so many years of neglect, but I am getting there. Thanks again, John Allen”
“I followed your advice and I am grateful. I now have a way to continue exercising while allowing my shin splint to heal. It worked! Thank you, John Allen.”
“I have been using the Train Station to exercise and there just doesn’t seem to be any limit to what I can accomplish with this! I am very happy with this product.”
“I can’t believe that I didn’t see how much more power and control I have over my day. As you say, I was dependent on solutions that just didn’t work for my life and me. Thanks to the Performance Lifestyle team! ”
“The Train Station is just what I wanted. If fits perfectly in my spare room. It literally takes no space! I’m going to order some more cables as my strength improves.”
“I love the 15/15 workout with the medicine ball! For a while I couldn’t believe I was getting such a great full body workout in just 7 minutes. My goal is to get it to 10!”
“I’m here to say that while I was listening to the teleseminar, I felt that I’ve been killing myself trying to lose weight. I am so happy to learn that there is another way. I am looking forward to more from Performance Lifestyle!”
“I simply love the Deluxe Lifeline Gym—it goes with me wherever I go!”
“This has been one of the most valuable programs that I have participated in!”
“John Allen, I just want to thank you for passing along great information to help me improve not only my health but the health of my family and anyone else who will listen to me!!! It’s kind of strange that we don’t applaud at the end of a teleconference because that might help you to know how much we appreciated your time and effort. I’m looking at lifestyle and fitness very differently than I did before. Rest wasn’t even considered as part of fitness before. My family and I are eating a whole lot more fruits and vegetables and are trying to add more whole foods as well. We’re also going to try to make our workouts.”
“Every great performer is always training for their next event.’ Wow. That was powerful, John. I wished there was a way to convey to you how grateful I am that I had that 1 minute opportunity to line up knee to knee with JAM. There are no strings attached to this expression. I have not stopped thinking about it since Toronto, and I thought it was time you knew the impact you had on my life, in less than one minute. Just after I met you, I found my event. It’s an event ‘bigger than my waist size’ and I started lifting with a new vision and intensity that I haven’t done for 20 years. I am eating to live instead of living to eat. I feel I owe you. I really do. One day, I hope to return the gift of clarity.”
“Everything I learned from Performance Lifestyle rang true. I was overtraining, under-recuperating and trying to make up for it with what I thought was an ideal diet. I just didn’t know what else to do. I decided to really give it my very best try. I didn’t have really high expectations, and I admit I still fight the urge to over train. I started making sure I got at least 8.5 hours of sleep a night. I got rid of bread (the hardest part) and replaced it with more oats, beans, potatoes, salads and fruit. I switched to low glycemic sweeteners like agave nectar and date sugar in my oatmeal and tea and I followed the workout outlined on the DVD (quit my other workouts entirely) and just gave it a chance to work, and it is!!! And that’s all really. It’s been so easy and painless it is hard to believe it sometimes. Thanks for bringing something so wonderful into my life. I’m joining your fan club!”
“John Allen is a man of integrity and his Performance Lifestyle training reflects that. His trainees are introduced to a deeper level of self-integrity, which is so necessary for lifetime change to occur. His program is insightful, bringing a fresh and accessible approach to good eating, vital energy and high performance. John Allen and Performance Lifestyle are playing an important role in helping to rock the wellness world.”
“I highly recommend Performance Lifestyle. John Allen has a way of peeling away all the extraneous information to reach the heart of the problem and providing down-to-earth steps to reach a solution. He and his team offer practical steps to the lifestyle you want and help you spot the misleading “quick fixes” that can derail your progress. I am glad to have had the opportunity to participate in the intensive and continue to learn with each phone conference I attend.”
“Your teleconferences were so helpful to me! I have spent years with only 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night trying to work full time while completing college degrees, 2nd employments, and volunteer work. Exercising and dieting for me have been sporadic and unsuccessful in the long term. Practicing energy regeneration, I believe my success in changing my eating and exercising habits will be long lasting. Thank you!”
“I’m looking at fitness very differently than I did before. Rest wasn’t even considered as part of fitness before. I and my family are eating a whole lot more fruits and vegetables and are trying to add more whole foods dishes as well. We’re also going to try to make our workouts more challenging. I greatly appreciated the ‘gradual, what works for you’ approach.”
“This was an excellent teletraining series! The theory behind each major concept made sense to me. Ideas were presented that I can incorporate immediately. I appreciate your reinforcement of the principle that I will need to want to make a lifestyle change in order to truly reap the potential benefits of your program.”