The Story of Performance Lifestyle Founder John Allen

If you are new to Performance Lifestyle, let me introduce myself. I’m John Allen Mollenhauer; my friends call me “JAM,” and I hope you will too.

25 years ago, immersed in the world of athletics; I was a trainer, a gym chain owner and *an athlete*. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was living an early version of what is today called “Performance Lifestyle.”My pace of life, the way I ate, trained, slept, scheduled my week, focused; everything was oriented around my goals and making sure I was able to perform at the level I wanted and looked and felt the way I wanted too.

I had the full support of what was a successful way of life.

Then in 1995, at the inception of the dot-com era, I became a tech entrepreneur. I was fully engaged and motivated, firing on all cylinders – or so I thought.

The world was full of new opportunity, but with the constantly changing focus of a rapidly evolving business, I began abandoning the way of life I once knew in my days in athletics. I soon began working nonstop eating whatever, whenever, exercising infrequently, and rest was an afterthought.

For ten long years, I charged hard into one of the biggest opportunities of my career; I was excited, but I had nothing left. It was like I had a fatigue syndrome with no idea of how to solve it. I thought it was me like something was wrong with me.

And while there was definitely something wrong, there was nothing wrong with me. It was all due to how I was approaching life and my business…

A decade of living overwhelmed, overstimulated, under recuperated, overfed and at times undernourished, super busy but almost too tired to be physically active; I was forced to pay the price, and my big opportunity collapsed under the weight of my energy-depleting lifestyle.

It was crushing in more ways than one, and in the autopsy of it all; I looked back as to why and how it all happened. I thought back to my former life in athletics, where I had the lifestyle to support my performance and wondered… what if I was to start thinking and living like an athlete again, only now in my life as an entrepreneur?

You see, professional Athletes are pro’s at overcoming fatigue; it’s something they regularly face in their lives. As a result, they look, feel and perform in a way that people admire, and it’s the result of their energy enhancing lifestyle. So, I spent the next ten years learning the science (and continue to), developing and refining the principles, and practices that comprised a performance lifestyle strategy while working with hundreds of clients; all inspired by the following idea.

Elite athletes and other high-performers and achievers, in and out of sport, have the support they need to sustain their training and succeed—free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold most other people back.

I took that to heart, and with the help of a world-class science advisory team, my team and I developed I wanted, driven, goal and success-oriented people, who may not be into sports or even fitness enthusiasts, to get the lifestyle-based performance training they too need. Our lives are often more intense than it is for most athletes!

It was only a matter of time before training that would begin treating the everyday achiever like an “athlete” would become relevant, meaningful and actionable and I wanted to spearhead it. Lifestyle support is numero uno when it comes to achieving your goals; even your most ambitious targets, without burnout and with your health and wellbeing intact.

You’ll get a more detailed version of that story in The Rise of a New Lifestyle ebook coming out when we launch thew site.

If you want to get beyond feeling like you have a fatigue syndrome and get your energy back, then just like I needed to, you must learn the science and the secrets of how to maintain optimal energy levels. And to become the balanced and healthy person you’re capable of it makes sense to have a lifestyle that performs.

I am amazed at the difference this training continues to make for my team and me and how much we learn every day guided by this never-before-assembled process for developing and optimizing the “master routine” of your life— your lifestyle.

The sheer fact that I “live this stuff,” no longer caught up with so much going on I’m barely hanging on has changed my whole approach to living. After years of learning and talking about it, now I now make life decisions based on it. It will happen this way for you too.

What this training has done for us, it has done for hundreds of others who are now on the path to taking control of their life, in a relevant, meaningful and actionable way for perhaps the first time in a long time.

Things can in fact change. They do so more than ever when you don’t attempt change indiscriminately, but do so in a methodical way. It’s why I’m so passionate about sharing my experience with others. Every stage of developing Performance Lifestyle has been as transformative to me as it has been to thousands of others.

This January and February take the first transformative steps towards optimizing the way you live so you too can look, feel and perform “like a pro,” as we like to say.

Proactive is the name of the game, so stay tuned as we roll out the new Performance Lifestyle website in about a week, which will bring everything to life for you. We’re going to start with our first Essentials Training of the year— Regenerate Your Life Force.

If you want to get a jumpstart take this Free Training from Performance Lifestyle Advisor Ari Whitten called The Energy Blueprint.

We are very excited to promote The Energy Blueprint as it has helped us and many others dive deeper into the science behind overcoming fatigue, so you can harness and maintain optimal energy levels. It will seriously help you look, feel and perform like a pro, as you get into “the know,” and no longer live at the mercy of what you don’t understand. Energy is Everything.

You can more than double your personal power with insights from the training we have coming up.

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