Vintage Performance Lifestyle—Manage Your Energy Like a Pro

If you were to do a search on the Internet about energy, it’s wouldn’t be long before you ran into the near famous saying “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time.” This is a saying from The Human Performance Institute now owned by Johnson and Johnson. It was a statement created by our predecessors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, authors of The Power of Full Engagement.

When I, John Allen Mollenhauer, first read that book it really stepped up my whole concept of lifestyle. Though I had been on the path for some time and realized that optimizing lifestyle was the greatest source of untapped potential to change and improve, this book, was a breakthrough in terms of creating the new concepts that needed to emerge.

When I, John Allen Mollenhauer, first read that book it really stepped up my whole concept of lifestyle. Though I had been on the path for some time and realized that optimizing lifestyle was the greatest source of untapped potential to change and improve, this book, was a breakthrough in terms of creating the new concepts that needed to emerge.

Up until that point, most books were out of context treatises about living one way, usually exhaustively and therefore poorly and then solving the symptoms (weight gain and low energy, by going on a diet or exercise program with maybe a little extra sleep added in.

This book, in my opinion, changed things in a big way because first; it was talking mostly to professionals who wake up to be successful every day, not healthy, even though they value their health. It also started talking about energy, and how important it was to health and performance and starting planting ideas that would ultimately give rise to the Performance Lifestyle.

It was a core catalyst to our development of Performance Lifestyle, which put the various aspects of living into a much broader context, including the science, the principles, and the practices so that client and coach alike could troubleshoot, resolve and evolve the way a person lives to perform well, achieve their goals and live a better quality of life—all of which would inspire, a person to live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind in a much bigger and more fluid way.

Hence, The Rise of a New Lifestyle…

Of course at the time, when I shot this video, leading a transformational event at Ameriprise Financial Services; we were still years away from the full breadth and depth of the curriculum we have today to serve you and help give rise to a new lifestyle you can call your own.

We were still talking about managing your energy.

But what happens if you don’t have enough energy to manage?

Professionals wanting to perform better is not new, but professionals doing so by approaching professional life with the mindset and lifestyle of an athlete is. And in this context, learning how to harness and maintain optimal energy levels is objective numero uno.

That’s why learning how to regenerate your life force is the premier PL Essential‘s training. Learning how to proactively regenerate energy as a method was still evolving in this video with me, John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM”, one of the leading advocates for Performance Lifestyle® training, coaching, and support worldwide.

This video below was 8 years ago and today, our Essential Training’s and the Signature year-round lifestyle training PL365 is tighter than ever.

We are committed to never-ending improvement for sure, and it’s great to see how far we’ve come; nonetheless you will learn some gems from this video ~ JAM.

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