What the National Health Association has to say about coronavirus

What the National Health Association Has to Say About Coronavirus

What the National Health Association has to say about CoronaVirus
Wanda Huberman, NHA Executive Director

JAM Note: This is the organization that was most influential in my pivot early in life to a plant-based diet and natural health and one of the original inspirations for expanding the principles health to the broader array of principles practices and strategy that ecompass, energy, health and performance in what’s now called the Performance Lifestyle. 

#1. According to the data published from China, in less than 80% of those positive for the virus, there were minimal symptoms no more concerning than a mild cold. In a small group of individuals however, the symptoms were severe and catastrophic, leading to death.

JAM Note: I can confirm this is true, as I was COVID-19 Positive and went through the process of contracting, enduring the impact, initial recovery and the final stages of recovery that I’m in now. I had relatively severe symptoms but a foundation of health and knowledge about what to do, and now I’m strong once again all within a 2.5 week period of time. 

#2. Those most at risk of death or severe illness had some interesting commonalities. On average they were over 60 years old and had higher rates of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and preexisting respiratory issues. Of interest, a recent editorial published in the New England Journal of Medicine questioned the relationship of ACE inhibitors (a blood pressure medication) and possible increased susceptibility to COVID-19.

==>> What we do know is that the very same diseases that are directly related to personal lifestyle habits over the decades appear to increase the severity of coronavirus. So, what should that make you do? No, not go out and buy more toilet paper. It should make you follow appropriate CDC-recommended precautions, and then go to the produce section at your nearest supermarket and load up on the fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and beans which reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease (and your risk of common respiratory infections). Then you should throw out all of your cigarettes, vapes, and marijuana joints, and you should begin a daily exercise routine to improve your lung capacity and improve your general health. In as little as three weeks 80% of people can be off of blood pressure and blood sugar meds with normal numbers.

If you are off from work or school, this is the time to improve the general health of your body today and take control of the risk factors you can. If you get diagnosed with coronavirus, you want to be like the tens of thousands of people around the world who have already had the viral infection and cleared it with little to no issues. How healthy you really are today partially predicts your outcomes tomorrow.

Consider simple supplementation with products shown to enhance white blood cell function and decrease the risk of other respiratory viruses (ie: vitamin C, echinacea, zinc, selenium, probiotics, etc.).

#3. Get 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. Moderate-intensity exercise has been shown to improve your immune function and reduce the risk of common respiratory infections.

JAM Notes: Having just been through Caronvirus, right now I’m just walking, doing body squats, calf raises, and push-ups during the course of my day building up my endurance, breath and lung capacity again and enjoying the elements.  

#4. Manage your stress and avoid spending hours of time on the internet where people struggling with diagnosable anxiety are waiting to send you into a tailspin of despair and sorrow. Maximize your health, avoid unnecessary exposures, remember what you can do and prepare to be healthy. Tens of thousands of people around the world have had coronavirus and had minimal symptoms and are now healthy. That is no reason to be foolish or ignore public health recommendations. It is, however, a reason to be intelligent, act rationally and both reduce your exposure and enhance your immune function and stay positive.

Dr. Esser also recommends seeking medical advice if a person experiences significant difficulty with breathing or has a persistent fever, chills, muscle aches, poor appetite, or inability to maintain fluids over more than one or two days. Individuals should try to call their primary care physician or do online telemedicine evaluation rather than seeking care in an emergency department. If symptoms are rapidly worsening or if, as mentioned, breathing becomes notably difficult, then emergency evaluation is appropriate.

If you have mild symptoms, Dr. Stephan Esser is recommending water fast or starting a green juice only program every three hours with 64 ounces of water as well and track your symptoms. Many people will have upper respiratory illnesses in the next several months, and most often it will merely be common upper respiratory issues, including common colds, allergies, and relative detoxification. Not all colds, fevers or coughs are a scary thing. Increase your immunity with excellent food, fresh green juices, fasting, sleep, and adequate hydration.

Dr. Michael Klaper has created a helpful YouTube video on COVID-19 which can be found here.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has also created a short video about the coronavirus. At this link is an infographic you can download with five ways to protect yourself from the coronavirus. 

A Final Thought;

Dr. Scott Stoll recently wrote “During this challenging season, … take time to care for yourself and maintain resilience, vitality, and strength through the core principles of a healthy lifestyle.” That means the consumption of nutrient-rich plants, getting in exercise, and focusing on good sleep habits and stress reduction. Those remain the core principles of the NHA and the Natural Hygiene movement upon which we are based and continue to be inspired.

Let’s stay in touch!

Wanda Huberman, Executive Director
National Health Association
PO Box 477
Youngstown, OH 44501
(330) 953-1002

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