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Why People struggle with Constant Tiredness, Fatigue, and Other Lifestyle-Induced Diseases

Why People struggle with Constant Tiredness, Fatigue, and Other Lifestyle-Induced Diseases comes down to their lifestyle, period.

If you have been on this Insight Cast, published by me, Lifestyle Coach JAM, you know that I’m not your typical “coach” or “health coach.” 

I define myself as a “lifestyle coach” and, at times, a Performance Lifestyle® Coach because I mainly discuss energy, health, and performance as the foundation of transformation and development. And all are direct byproducts of your lifestyle. 

Most people are never schooled in the essential aspects of living (particularly energy). And as everyone eventually realizes, if you don’t have lifestyle mastery and know-how to optimize the way you live, it’s hard to make the most of your personal and professional development, especially as you deal with constant tiredness in a striving, overachieving, or high achieving life.  

Constant tiredness makes it challenging to maximize your economic vehicle (career or business) and create money/time freedom by having your wealth work for you.

Too often, people are distracted and held back by fatigue and health issues that compromise their ability to function and perform well in their lives. They then languish when it comes to their success or ever getting to the point of creating wealth that works for them, so it all starts with understanding the fundamentals of successful living. 

As a Lifestyle Coach, I need to have the range above because we all want to connect the dots and have more manageable lives that work for us and enable us individually to live our best selves in our best life.  

To that end, it has been my intent not just to learn and teach those fundamentals but teach them in the context of what we all wake up to do every day, which is to be successful. 

So I am all about helping people be and become healthy, high-achieving people who thrive, people who can achieve their ambitious goals with their health and well-being intact. 

I’ve been around too many people who might make great money, who are crushing it, but their body/brain and spirit get crushed by excess stress and fatigue. And all the poor coping habits they develop debit their longevity and quality of life as constant tiredness turns into a downward spiral despite their success.  

I, too, was one of those people, and it’s why optimal living became an interest; it’s because it wasn’t like I was going to give up my ambitious goals. At the same time, though, I didn’t want to live overwhelmed, exhausted, and overweight either. 

So to reveal the path of becoming a person who is healthy and successful with all aspects of their well-being intact, I started identifying the fundamentals of energy, health, and performance. 

I then needed a concept to represent all those fundamentals, which became the Performance Lifestyle® and the High-Performance Lifestyle℠, which has emerged as the new concept in the broader wellness industry. 

But it didn’t stop there; I wanted to put all the steps leading to and including the Performance Lifestyle into a roadmap or blueprint that framed the core process a person goes through when optimizing the way they live. 

And that process reveals your lifestyle’s primary purpose, which is how you achieve your goals.  

In working with driven “achiever” types for most of my career like entrepreneurs, as that’s me (see my story), professionals, and executives too, and after years of research, learning, and experience, the needed context for lifestyle optimization comes down to how you achieve your goals. 

People struggle with constant tiredness, fatigue, and other lifestyle-induced diseases, everything from obesity to heart disease to cancer because they suffer from hidden lifestyle challenges. A hidden lifestyle challenge is when you are living out of alignment with a fundamental of living. Imagine trying to walk and not understanding gravity!

But why are they out of alignment with the principles of living? Well, for that answer, look no further than how they achieve their goals. 

You see, it’s all in your approach to accomplishing tasks and achieving your goals. Do you have a lifestyle strategy that proactively creates more energy, strengthens your health, and improves your performance, or are you responding to stress and tiredness in ways that cause more stress, constant tiredness, fatigue…? 

For example, a potentialite, striver, or overachiever will approach their goals differently than a high achiever and a healthy high achiever who’s thriving. So when you discover how someone is attempting to achieve their goals and their approach, you can determine (not an exact science) what their lifestyle is like. 

Once we know what your lifestyle is like, we train you on the fundamentals, coach you as needed, and help you be and become a healthy, high-achieving person who thrives, flourishes, and progresses step by step using the HPL Blueprint


As “client zero,” entrepreneur John Allen Mollenhauer, known as John Allen or Lifestyle Coach “JAM,” was desperate to figure out how to achieve his ambitious goals without burning out, wearing out, and trading his health for success despite being proficient in nutrition and fitness. As a result, over 20 years, he shifted from a high achiever’s mindset to a high-performance mindset, enabling him to achieve at higher levels. Further, he learned how to manage his energy and be free to live and live healthily and successfully in any situation.

Step by step, JAM produced the never-before-assembled formula for living a balanced, healthy, High-Performance Lifestyle® that can enable anyone to be and become a healthy high achiever who thrives.  

Today, he’s still an in-the-game lifestyle entrepreneur and a pioneering Performance Lifestyle® Coach. To get started, Lifestyle Coach JAM delivers powerful free resources that will inspire you to optimize how you achieve your goals. 

Download This Ebook FREE: Become a Healthy High Achiever Who ThrivesUnlock Your True Potential to Change How You Achieve Your Goals and Watch Your Energy, Health, and Performance Soar!

Plus: Get Lifestyle Coach INSIGHTS Every Week to help you on the path. 

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