make your regeneration transformation part 3

Steps to Begin Your Regeneration Transformation Part 3


At Performance Lifestyle Inc, we are helping people correct the course of their lives; for starters, by helping people make what we are referring to as a “regeneration transformation,” so they can get on with living their life without the fatigue, pain, and challenges those conditions influence that distracts and hold them back from living at their potential.

So, aren’t fatigue and pain only conditions that the sickly, injured, or old have to deal with? Well, no; achievers-types the world over suffer from both, though it usually gets covered up and undiagnosed as they, we, continue on the path of achieving our goals.

For example, in just the last two years Lady Gaga, Morgan Freeman and countless others have talked about such fatigue, in the form of fibromyalgia. Justin Bieber canceled his tour due to unforeseen circumstances, and Avicii who recently passed did so from the effects of overexertion and fatigue. Chester Bennington and Robin Williams also suffered the effects of being “always on.”

So you can see, accomplished people suffer from fatigue and it’s becoming known that the compounded effects of fatigue are at least deleterious but at most can cause a premature death, so this is not something to scoff at as you push through all the warning signs of fatigue and burnout to finish that next project.

We founded Regenus Centers™ powered, by Performance Lifestyle® to help people recover from the effects of excess stress and improve their human health and performance. We are enabling people to look, feel and perform like a much younger person and not get pushed to the edges of living where there are sometimes terrible consequences.

Few things compromise your health and wellness, more than overspending your energy on a regular basis, not getting enough sleep, living out of accordance with circadian rhythms or your natural cycles, with too much stress, pushing through non-stop days and weeks; and then eating your way stimulate yourself through the day (even if that’s coffee) and using even exercise as a stimulant to keep going if you have the available energy to do so, all while your body is fatigued.

You can get away with that in the short term but keep it up too long and before you know it, you are suffering from fatigue and chronic pain. And the wake-up call to that injurious path is when a good night sleep doesn’t even solve the problem anymore as your ability to function and perform as a human, wanes into pain. As you can see, many very successful people deal with this plight.

So in a regeneration transformation, you are in effect changing your lifestyle in a macro sense at the start and then adjusting it ongoing so you don’t end up in that danger zone ever again. The very steps you need to take to transform your energy, health, and performance are the very same steps you need to take to crush it in life (your family, career, sport or creative pursuit) without getting crushed!

It starts with Sleep Performance, training the one-third of your life that the other two-thirds depend on. Sleep is the foundation of a Performance Lifestyle (PL) and you will learn more about sleep and the lifestyle you want to master in PL365.

Now the question is, what do you do if you are already suffering from pain. It’s pretty hard to affect change in your life if fatigue and chronic pain are present in your life experience, especially if you don’t have the performance lifestyle mindset and skillset.

Recover from the Excess Stress of the Past.

What we are saying here is that underlying your inability to perform at the higher levels you may be used to is compounding fatigue and the effects of that fatigue, such as inflammation (including weight gain), and pain… It’s a bold but simple hypothesis and we think you will see this as true in your experience.

And a good night sleep, maybe even a week of sleep alone, making a few dietary improvements, and other small changes may or may likely not solve that problem. It’s not like stress immediately stops and habits change that fast. So what do you do to help speed the need to regenerate energy, heal, reduce inflammation and pain… so sleep and the rest of your lifestyle can really deliver?

The 3 Step Performance Recovery Process.™’ It’s what makes a “Regeneration Transformation” possible.

The thing to keep in mind is this; remember when I mentioned that sleep, rest,… were the key to regenerating at the cellular level in part 2 of this series? It’s true, but you likely won’t be able to full benefits of optimizing the way you live until you take Steps 1 and 2 below.

These steps will enable you to overcome the excess stress, pain, and strain from the past, that will give you the immediate positive impact that inspires other lifestyle improvements.

  1. Regeneration therapy at the cellular physical level using the core therapies that recharge, repair and reactivate you at the cellular levels, such as red light therapy—whole body light therapy or as it’s becoming known ‘photobiomodulation,’ red light laser therapy, and infrared sauna.This may also include cryotherapy and other recovery therapies that were previously only available to elite athletes and Nasa Astronauts but are now available to you.
  2. Kinetic therapy to help repair your body; such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, active release technique, chiropractic or physical therapy,
  3. Lifestyle re-training (a “performance” therapy) so that learn the mindset and skill set for living in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind while achieving even your most ambitious goals.

Thes are the essential steps to performance-recovery that are influential in you making a Regeneration Transformation. You insert them between sleep and all the other essential aspects of lifestyle that will keep your positive results in check, and on an upward spiral.

Steps 1, in particular, and 2 above, (most people default to just 2 and never solve their problem) are essential to steps 3, which is the arguably the most important of the three steps; because it’s your lifestyle that determines the extent to which you need to regenerate (which is a given in life) and “if” you’re going to need kinetic therapy.

You take these three steps so that you can resolve the excess stress and strain and pain, of the past, that distract and hold you back from evolving with a new lifestyle mindset and skill set to better achieve your life goals—family, business or career, sporting or creative pursuits with the quality of life you want in the process.

You ultimately make a Regeneration Transformation by living a performance lifestyle, but you may need to recover from the excess stress of the past first. Healthy, high achieving people use recovery technologies like this as well, as part of their everyday lifestyle. It’s part of their “secret sauce.”

You can do so as a Member of a center like Regenus Center™ by Performance Lifestyle if you are in the Northern New Jersey area at this time. If you aren’t, just keep learning from us, and then use the combination of a local performance recovery center, rehab (chiropractor or sports rehab) to mimic the first two steps of our performance recovery system, and utilize PL365 for lifestyle re-training.

At Performance Lifestyle and Regenus Centers, we don’t water it down, we just make it simple for you. When you start to recharge, repair and reactivate at the cellular level because you’re now cultivating what’s sourcing it all (the regeneration of energy) you will look, feel and perform like a much younger person and live better than ever before.

Make a Regeneration Transformation.

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